Indemnities - An overview
An indemnity is an obligation to compensate someone for loss or damage by making a monetary payment. An indemnity is not the same as a right to sue someone for damages for…
Posted on 2 April, 2015 by Ortolan
Property Guarantees - Gordon Ramsay and his f%*#ing father in law!
A legal titbit from the world of celebrity this month, incorporating something of a cautionary tale in relation to giving personal guarantees for liabilities pursuant to a…
Posted on 12 March, 2015 by Ortolan
Varying Terms In An Employment Contract - How useful are general flexibility clauses?
There has been a raft of Employment Tribunal cases of late considering the issue of flexibility clauses contained in employment contracts. It is common to include clauses…
Posted on 9 March, 2015 by Ortolan
Online Dispute Resolution - The future for low value claims
The Civil Justice Council (CJC) has published a recommendation for the establishment of an internet based court service to deal with low value civil claims. It will be known as…
Posted on 9 March, 2015 by Ortolan
Employment Contracts - Periodic review recommended
It is good practice to periodically review staff contracts to check that they are up to date in terms of legislative changes and also that they appropriately protect the…
Posted on 9 March, 2015 by Ortolan
Pornographic Email - Immediate dismissal was fair
In Williams v Leeds United Football Club [2015] EWHC 376 (QB), the High Court considered whether sending a pornographic email from a work account was a repudiatory breach of…
Posted on 9 March, 2015 by Ortolan
Punctuality - How important is it to be on time?
In plain English, if something is "of the essence" it is very important or essential. In a contract term, however, stating that "time is of the essence" has a further meaning.…
Posted on 9 March, 2015 by Ortolan
Enhanced Court Fees - Increases now in force
Last month, we reported on the Government’s plans to impose massive hikes in Court fees. The plans have been approved by Parliament and the changes came into force on 9 March…
Posted on 9 March, 2015 by Ortolan
Carrie Beaumont becomes a partner - But clients won't pay the price...!
We are delighted to announce that Carrie Beaumont has become a partner in Ortolan Legal.A specialist employment law solicitor, Carrie has been with Ortolan Legal since 2011 and…
Posted on 3 February, 2015 by Ortolan
Data Protection and Staff - Employer's obligations
As an employer, there is an obligation to register as a data controller and comply with the provisions of the Data Protection legislation.The Information Commissioner’s…
Posted on 3 February, 2015 by Ortolan
What's in a name? - Relaxation of the rules relating to naming companies
New Regulations came into force on 31 January 2015 simplifying the rules relating to naming companies.The main changes are that the Regulations: Reduce the number of…
Posted on 3 February, 2015 by Ortolan
Unfair Dismissal - Virtual employees abroad protected by UK legislation
In Lodge v Dignity & Choice In Dying and another UKEAT/0252/14, the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) considered whether an Australian employee of a British company, who…
Posted on 3 February, 2015 by Ortolan
Charging Orders - A useful guide
If you have obtained a judgment there are a number of ways in which you might want to secure or enforce it. One possibility is by way of a charging order. This article sets out…
Posted on 3 February, 2015 by Ortolan
UK Housing Shortage- Consultation to unlock brownfield sites
Following its initial announcement in June of 2014, the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has now launched a consultation in relation to the development of…
Posted on 3 February, 2015 by Ortolan
Dividends - Have you considered everything?
It is important to note that when examining dividend payments HMRC regularly asks to see copies of board and shareholder minutes and dividend waivers where appropriate.As you…
Posted on 3 February, 2015 by Ortolan